Nicky Hudson qualified as a social worker in 1991. She obtained an MA is Child Protection Studies in July 1998. She is also a qualified NVQ assessor and practice assessor.  Nicky was also a foster carer for 12years. She has worked in various settings including child protection, a residential family assessment centre, independent fostering agencies, Chichester University and more recently in the Children’s Safeguarding Standards Unit of a Local Authority as an Independent Reviewing Officer. Her career also entails independent work as a consultant and trainer, specialising in parenting assessments and viability assessments (PAMs trained). She has worked for both the public and private Sector in the North and South East.  In addition, she has been involved in training aboard and has developed and ran training session in Belarus, Budapest and Armenia for ‘Leaves of Hope’ which helped train professionals to recruit, assess and support foster carers in these countries.